Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Chapter 9

Being that I am still not the most "Tech-savy" teacher I tend to find myself always leaning towards using the document camera instead of the actual smart board. I love that I am able to take hard copies of text and have them be projected onto the screen to share with my class. I also love that the students are able to see me doing something "live." One thing I love using the document camera for is math. I used it for a lesson the other day to model how to use manipulatives to solve addition problems. Although the smart board has a section for manipulatives I found it better to show to the students how to do it with a hands-on activity. To physically have to count and move the manipulatives around has them grasp a better understanding of the topic.

I am so a big fan of using YouTube (when appropriate) to show videos to my class. I usually use a YouTube video as a launch to a new topic we are learning to get students engaged and excited about a new topic.

This chapter also touched up digital storytelling. I had taken an education class my junior year that was called "Writing in the classroom." This class opened up my eyes to show that they are so many more ways to expressive ourselves in writing without actually have to use words to do so. We were asked to make a digital story of a our choice. I was trying to find the link to it but my partner had deleted it so it won't let me access the drop box! It was on tattoos and how they are a way of expressing meaning without words.

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